For beginners

Our training materials are second to none for those just starting or needing confidence to use a computer or tablet.

An example of our training notes can be viewed by clicking here.  This is the opening document of an introductory computer course.

Click here to view a 5 minute video tutorial (Screen Class) on selecting text in a word processor and on a web page.

Here is the course schedule for our basic introductory course for beginners…

Getting started with a computer: the desktop, Windows, folders and mouse/touchpad/ trackball control

The Keyboard: understanding the commonly used keys, saving a simple text file

Basic Web surfing: navigating the Web, the BBC website, scrolling web pages, using Back and Forward buttons

Introducing e-mail: basic e-mail functions, receiving, replying and sending e-mails

Surfing and e-mailing - a résumé: putting into practice previous sessions to cement your knowledge and skills

Web favourites and tabs:  using favourite websites and understanding the benefits of tabs

Forwarding e-mails and Contacts: sending one e-mail to many people and forwarding e-mails, e-mail address books

Writing a letter: create a document file, format text and paragraphs, check spelling and grammar

Searching the Web: using Google, searching for websites, searching for information with Wikipedia

E-mail attachments: detaching files from e-mails, storing files, attaching files to e-mails

Researching information online: comparing products and services, e-mailing enquiries with attachments

Roundup of the course: looking at the areas where more knowledge or skill is required and further topics of interest

Our trainers will discuss with you the frequency of the sessions. We would recommend at least a week gap between each to give you chance to practice your newly learnt skills and make use of the accompanying video tutorials and training notes.

We also run a slightly more advanced course called “Next Steps” for those with a little more knowledge.

Courses and sessions can be tailored to specific needs if required.